Paradise Aquatic Mural# – Muralist# Carolee Merrill

Blsnk Canvas

Here is a tropical aquatic mural I painted in Palm Desert.  As you can see in the first picture below, the room was huge- 16′ x 66′.  The picture shows only about 1/3 of the room.  In the picture you can see I am a bit overwhelmed.14

In addition to the size of the project, I painted it during the summer when the temperature ranged between 100 to 110 degrees. It was a new construction- so no air conditioning or indoor toilet.  Yes- I shared the outhouse with 20 construction workers.  I remember being in the outhouse feeling miserable, and thinking, “If this was a movie, this would be the funny part.”  I laughed and shared my insight with the guys, and they all laughed.rightparadiserightcloseupparadise

It took 2 1/2 months to complete.  It required me to be completely diligent- focusing only on working, eating and sleeping.  I would put on my headphones, listen to music and allow the energy of nature to to flow through me into the mural.  I am very proud of my accomplishment!