I wrote this article for the Malibu Chronicle.
The mural I painted for Malibu Seafood Restaurant was a wonderful experience. I remember the first time I spoke on the phone with Michele, of Malibu Seafood, I felt a connection with her. After we met she told me she had felt the same thing. Even then as we spoke in general terms of what she wanted I had a feeling of what would be created. She had said she wanted elements of highway 1 running through Malibu.
It was a beautiful, sunny day in February when I drove up to meet Michele. I felt completely comfortable with her as though I had known her forever, and she later told me she had felt the same. I loved the setting of the mural being across the street from the ocean, with the nature preserve behind it. The history of the restaurant has been a part of Malibu for the past 30 years. It was a pleasure to get to know the patrons who have been coming to Malibu Seafood for years and consider it a home away from home for them. Many of them thanked me profusely for painting the mural- as they felt I was doing it for them, which I was!
I started the mural on Monday, March 4th – exactly 6 months ago today! Michele and I met to review the images I brought and we came up with the basic flow of the design. I started sketching out the design and laying in the colors over the next few days. Michele would meet with me every few days, then later about once a week.
There was an energy to the mural- in a way it had a life of its own. Some of the mural came to me in dreams and I would translate them into the mural the following day. Initially I would ask Michele before I would paint something new and different. Later I would feel if Michele would like it or not – and just go with the feeling and do it. One example of this is the flying fish turning into butterflies. When she saw it she loved it!
Each of the panels of the mural has this morphing phenomena going on. The environment is of one morphing into the next…. the sky of one morphing into the ocean in another, the highway with poppies and humming birds under the ocean. It all looks real and normal until you look more closely.
Michele and I both enjoy the majesty, beauty, and playfulness of nature and also the mysterious truths of quantum physics, that every thing is interconnected with everything else. The mural playfully portrays these truths.
It was totally fun for me. The owners and I had a similar vision and outlook on life that allowed the mural to flow through my creative, free spirited self. I welcome you to take a tour through the mural below, and also to visit Malibu Seafood. They have the best seafood and view in Malibu!
“Carolee painted a truly awesome mural for our restaurant in Malibu, Malibu Seafood. The mural is 55′ long and is a whimsical, surrealistic trip on Highway 1 through Malibu. She was completely committed to creating the very best mural for us, and exceeded our expectations. I am happy to give her a resounding recommendation.” – M.Ridgway, owner of Malibu Seafood